LCS – ONE IN PRAYER for our Churches – June 2024 – For ILSM

LCS – ONE IN PRAYER for our church

Items for JUNE 2024 – International Lutheran Seafarers Mission (ILSM)

  1. ILSM Staff Workers & Christian Volunteers to build a Missional Network of “Coastal Welcome Advocates” (CWA):
    1. More of God’s people to welcome and interact with seafarers for our “Coastal Welcome Services”. We need:
      1. Befrienders
      2. Car owners/drivers
      3. Shore guides
    2. Safety & good health for staff who make ship visits
  2. Funds & Sponsorships to expand our “Coastal Welcome Services” footprint:
    1. To support a lean team of 4 staff by Dec 2024 and 6 staff by Dec 2025.
    2. To distribute at least 4000 copies of Our Daily Bread per quarter to the ship crew.
    3. To provide seasonal gift packs for seafarers.
    4. To pay for variable expenses e.g. vehicle usage, maintenance, F&B, wi-fi, utilities.
  3. Victory in the spiritual realm
    1. For God to fight for us to remove all barriers and obstacles to proclaiming and advancing the Gospel.
    2. For prayer warriors to intercede for the salvation of seafarers.
    3. For seafarers to open their hearts, spiritual eyes and ears to the proclamation of God’s Word & the Gospel.
  4. A Great Harvest of the Seas
    1. For God to establish His sovereignty in all our seaports and every vessel that comes to our shores.
    2. Claim every ship and crew for salvation in Jesus.


1. ILSM员工和志愿者合力建立“沿海欢迎倡导者”(CWA)宣教网络:

A。 更多上帝的子民欢迎到港的海员并与其互动。 我们需要:

1. 交友者

2. 车主/司机

3. 导游

b. 确保登船人员的安全和健康

2. 扩大“沿海欢迎服务”足迹的资金和赞助:

a. 员工的组成: 至 2024 年 12 月– 4 名;至 2025 年 12 月– 6 名

b. 每季分派至少 4000 份《灵命日粮》受益海员

c. 为海员提供季节性礼包

d. 支付变动费用,例如车辆使用、餐饮、无线网络、水电费

3. 属灵领域的胜利

a. 神为我们而战,灭除所有针对宣扬和推广福音的所有障碍。

b. 祈祷勇士为海员代祷让他们在基督里得到救赎。

c. 让海员打开心窗、灵性的眼睛和耳朵,聆听上帝的福音和话语的宣言。

4. 海洋大丰收


b. 认领每艘船和船员,在耶稣里得救。