A Divine Provision for Worship in Bedok Lutheran Church

A Divine Provision for Worship in Bedok Lutheran Church

Mrs. Dorothy Lee

Bedok Lutheran Church’s music ministry aims to excel in musicianship and worship leadership, enriching Sunday worship by providing quality music. Their goals encompass developing the ensemble team, a quartet and offering opportunities for young pianists to learn the classical organ, enhancing hymn singing and playing, and creating a more dynamic worship experience.

The church, blessed with various musical instruments and talented musicians, recognizes music’s universal language in fostering a connection to God during worship. Church musicians serve as evangelists, conveying God’s message through songs of praise, canticles, hymns, and melodies. They encourage individuals with musical abilities to consider becoming church musicians, highlighting God’s desire to equip them for service.

In 2022, faced with a broken-down church organ needing replacement, questions arose about the necessity of this instrument when they had other music instruments for worship. However, the Lutheran Church’s tradition and the unique support the organ provides for congregational singing were strongly considered.

Founding organist, Betty-Lou Nelson emphasized the depth and richness the organ adds to worship. Erich Knapp, a seasoned church music director and organist, also highlighted the distinct sound an organ brings to worship, emphasizing the need for a high-quality instrument.

Despite concerns about affordability, the church prayerfully sought approval and funding. In a surprising turn of events in April 2023, an individual offered to sponsor the entire organ as a gift to the church, demonstrating God’s provision.

The Church Council approved the acquisition, and by November 2023, the new organ arrived, marking a significant milestone in enhancing the worship music ministry. This event reinforced the belief that when God approves a need, He provides the means. The church responds with humble gratitude and praise for God’s provision, trusting that God will also help raise up and equip musicians to serve.


勿洛信义会乐队的目标,是通过优质的音乐使乐手与主领做得更出色,把崇拜的气氛带入更高层。 这目标涵盖了发展成四重奏的小组,提供给年轻钢琴手去弹奏古典管风琴的机会,加上边弹边唱圣诗,以体验更具活力的敬拜方式。

在这蒙福的教会中,有各式各样的乐器及具有天份的乐手,意识到音乐的普遍和通用性,在崇拜中能加强信众与上帝的联系。 由音乐充当佈道,透过赞美诗、普天颂赞、颂赞圣诗、赞美圣歌及旋律等等作为通用语,这一来乐手们受到激励,而进而想在音乐方面作出更多的奉献,更凸显的神在他们身上所做出的装备。


启动用管风琴的【领头羊】BETTY-LOU NELSON 强调管风琴在敬拜中增添的深度和宽广度,经验丰富的教会总监和演奏家ERICH KNAPP 加重提到管风琴所带来的那独特声调,加高了敬拜中的品质。尽管在教会中有人担心财政的能力负担,会众仍在虔诚祈祷、集资、让此项目受批准。 然而在2023年4月却发生的令人惊讶的事,竟然有人主动地捐出整架管风琴作为献给教会的大礼,充分显示了上帝的供应。

后来教堂理事会批准了这项购买,2023年11月新风琴送到了,标志着一个重要的里程碑,加强了音乐事工上的事奉。 从这件事坚定了信心,当上帝批准的项目,必定会提供路径,教会应怀着谦逊、感恩、和赞美来回应上帝的恩赐,相信上帝会提升及装备乐手们继续事奉。

God’s Provision of a New Allens GX335 Church Organ for Bedok Lutheran Church in Nov 20232023年11月上帝在勿洛信義會的新供應:嶄新的GX335型電子管風琴。 Participants at the Orientation of our neworgan for Traditional Hymns on 9 Jan 2024


Participants at the Orientation of our new organ for Contemporary Music on 8 Jan 20242024年正月8日,一組現代司琴琴手正在實習新操作新添到的管風琴。 Organist Alphonsus Chern explaining to us how the organ works.司琴手Alphonsus Chern 正在解釋新管風琴的運作。
Young Organist Elijah Soh at the organ年青的司琴Elijah Soh正在彈奏 Senior Organist Dorothy Lee at the organ熟練的李師母在試彈新琴