
The Epitome of the Formula of Concord

July 1, 2017 martinyee 0

A number of political and theological controversies followed after the death of Martin Luther (in 1546). These controversies included the topics of Original Sin, Righteousness, Law and Gospel, Good Works, the Lord’s Supper, Election, and […]


Why Lent Should Matter To Everyone

February 28, 2017 martinyee 0

The Church begins its observance of Lent with Ash Wednesday today (1st March 2017) as we prepare to remember our Lord’s crucifixion for the sins of the world on Good Friday and His victory over […]


Six churches under one roof in Jurong

January 22, 2017 martinyee 0

The Straits Times today (23rd January 2017) reported on the Jurong Christian Church hub project saying, “The newly built Jurong Christian Church at the junction of Tah Ching Road and Corporation Drive is not your […]

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