LCS – One in Prayer for Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer (LCOR) and Lutheran Church in Singapore (LCS)
Items for MARCH 2025 – LCOR and LCS
From this month forward, we will be adding on prayer items for the LCS as a whole, on top of the prayers for the individual congregations. It is fitting that we should all pray as one for the concerns of the LCS, under which we are one church. We thank our Bishop for sharing the LCS prayer items.
Please cover LCOR and LCS in the Prayers of the Church, as well as in your Prayer Meetings and small group meetings. Do encourage your members to pray for them during their family or personal prayer times.
Pastors have the option to cover the items summarily, in a single Sunday or over any number of Sundays for the month. Pastors should also feel free to contact each other for more details and clarifications regarding the items listed, so as to pray with better understanding.
Prayer pointers for LCOR (Eng, ministries)
- Pray for the staff of LCOR that the Lord will fill them with the Holy Spirit so that they are empowered to serve in their various ministries.
- Pray for the Sunday School Ministry that there will be enough teacher s to teach and that the children will grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord.
- Pray for the Youth and Young Adult class that they will be strengthened in their faith in the Lord and empowered to serve the Lord.
- Pray for the Bible Study groups that they will increase in the knowledge of God and grow into the fullness of Christ.
- Pray for the Boy’s Brigade Ministry that the boys’ hearts will be opened to the Lord to trust Him for salvation and be enriched by the programs.
- Pray for the Christalite Methodist Home residents that they will believe in the Lord and be ministered in their needs.
- Pray that the Lord will grow the Church by adding new members and that the members will be zealously witnessing for the Lord in their callings and vocations.
- 为信义会救主堂 LCOR 的工作人员祷告,愿主将圣灵充满他们,使他们在各个事工的服侍上蛮有能力。
- 为主日学事工祷告,愿能有足够的教师, 让孩子们能在主的恩典和知识中成长。
- 为青少年和青年班祷告,愿他们对主的信心更加坚定,并有能力侍奉主。
- 为查经小组祷告,愿他们增加对神的认识,在基督里茁壮成长。
- 为男少年旅的事工祷告,愿男孩们的心向主敞开,信靠祂的救赎,并通过不同的节目使生命更充实。
- 为Christalite Methodist 之家的居民祷告,愿他们能来相信主,并在有需要的时侯得到主的帮助。
- 祷告求主使教会不断壮大,增加新成员,并激发教会成员在各自的呼召和职业中热心地为主作见证。
LCOR Chinese ministry.
1. Pray for the nursing ministry, that it will be a channel of God’s love and care, bringing comfort and healing to those in need. Pray for God to prepare the hearts of both mentors and mentees that they may learn to accept one another and be willing to let one another into their lives.
2. Pray for the small group ministry, that it will build bridges of friendship and provide opportunities for community outreach through activities such as seminars and outings. May the Lord add to the number of those being saved at LCOR. Pray that group members will learn to share their testimonies, introduce Jesus to others, and be filled with a passion for the Gospel.
3. Pray for this year which is designated as the year of service, that the Chinese congregation will serve the Lord wholeheartedly and grow in faith as they actively participate in various ministries.
1. 为护理事工祷告,求神使其成为祂爱与关怀的渠道,为有需要的人带来安慰与医治。求神预备导师和受指导者的心,使他们能够彼此接纳,并愿意让对方进入自己的生命。
2. 为小组事工祷告,愿其成为友谊的桥梁,并通过讲座、外出活动等机会,拓展社区事工。求主在救主堂使更多人得救,并赐给小组成员勇气分享见证、介绍耶稣,并充满对福音的热情。
3. 今年被定为“服事年”,求神带领中文堂会众全心全意地服事主,并在积极参与各项事工的过程中,在信仰上不断成长。
Prayer Pointers for LCS
1. Pray for the coming ExCo election.
Please pray for the 29th AGM’s ExCo election in May, pray that God will prepare a group of dedicated and God-fearing people to be elected into the ExCo, including the Bishop, Secretary, Treasurer, both Chinese and English Clergy rep and Lay rep, and that they will be able to work together in one accord.
2. Pray for our NextGen Lutheran Internship Program.
We give thanks to God for a team of dedicated and committed clergies and Lay persons who helped to plan and organise this program for our youth and young adults. Our aim is to raise up a group of young leaders in LCS. Therefore, please pray for our pastors, for wisdom to identify the suitable candidates for this program, and pray that the young people will be excited about this program and willing to take part in it.
3. Pray for the properties transfer to the LCS.
There are properties that we are still in the midst of transferring to the LCS’ trustees. But we are unable to locate the original trust deed which the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) requires. Our LCS trustees have signed and submitted a Statutory Declaration that the trust deed is lost/misplaced. Please pray that SLA will accept it and so that we are able to proceed with the transfer.
4. Please pray for the TGNC relocation.
Thai Good news Centre has been using BLC for their Sunday Divine Service since March 2023. But it is out of the way and not very convenient for most of the Thai people to come for worship, especially if inviting new comers and for doing outreach as well. Thank God for His provision! We have had the permission from the Holy Trinity Church (Anglican) to use one of their rooms which can accommodate 40-60 people for their Worship Service from March 2025. Pray that TGNC members can settle down at this new location and that it will be able to draw more Thais to the Centre. Pray for Sis Kawee who is our sole worker there, that she will gain strength and wisdom to continue developing the ministry.
1. 请为即将到来的执行委员会选举祷告
2. 请为“下一代信义会领袖实习生计划”祷告
3. 请为教会产业转移祷告
4. 请为泰人福音中心(TGNC)的迁移祷告