Reflections on the LCS Luther Study Tour
23 September to 4 October 2024
The LCS Luther Study Tour was organised yet again and Jeremy Chua from Queenstown Lutheran Church, James Nee Chee Woh from Yishun Christian Church (Lutheran) and Steven Seow of Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer gave thanks, praise, honour and glory to our Triune God for the opportunity to learn more about our Lutheran history and roots, enriching their faith journey in Jesus Christ, and strengthening the fellowship with our pastors, brothers and sisters in the Lutheran family.
Steven Seow from the Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer shared that the Study Trip opened his eyes to the different practices of German Lutherans, and he became aware of the variety of Lutherans there are in the world. He realized that there are many different cultural practices of Lutherans worldwide and reflecting on this, he concluded that three things should be common among all Lutherans: the praise and worship to God, the quality of the sermon given by the pastors and the pastoral care provided to the congregation members. These cannot be compromised.
Jeremy Chua reflected on what he observed at Mission One World (MEW), our LCS mission partner in Bavaria, Germany. He was greatly impressed by the work of Diakoneo, which was started by Pastor Wilhelm Lohe in 1854. Since then, Diakoneo has been a vital social movement that continues to help the downtrodden in society. It provides support for the issues faced by the underprivileged, the elderly and people with special needs, all the while offering theological education for both local and international students.
Residents with special needs were given opportunities to be trained, to learn and work in various fields, such as wood crafting, seat-belt assembly for automobiles, coloured pencils packaging, and more. These skills enabled them to contribute to society, while also helping them to stay active physically and mentally. Some residents also received housing, hospital care, and medical support.
He witnessed the unconditional love, care, respect and patience shown by the staff of Diakoneo. As recorded in 1 John 4:16 – “And so we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.”
On the same day, they visited the Augustana Divinity School (Neuendettelsau), a place that embodies both “Goodness and Darkness”. Where an ammunition factory once stood, a theological seminary now stands. The chapel’s interior wall is covered with pinewood, and on one side of the wall is a Cross made of metal, known as the “Coventry Cross of Nails”, and accompanied by a sign that reads “Father Forgive”.
Jeremy noted that this serves as a reminder of the history of WWII, the destruction and what follows from then, the rebuilding, renewal and reconciliation. The phrase “Father Forgive” holds a deep meaning for him, serving as a reminder that we should always forgive one another. “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32).
In Wittenberg, we reflected on Martin Luther’s legacy following his excommunication, when he was declared a heretic and an enemy of the state. Frederick the Wise, the Prince-elector of Saxony protected him and secretly hid him in Wartburg Castle (Eisenach) where he stayed for 10 months. During his exile, he translated the New Testament into German so that the local people can read it in their own language.
Afterwards, we continued to the Castle Church (All Saints Church) at Wittenburg, where Martin Luther nailed his “95 Thesis”, which started the Reformation. At the top of the church tower, the inscriptions read, “Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott” (“A Mighty Fortress is our God”).
This is a hymn inspired by Psalm 46. It is one of the best-known hymns in our Lutheran tradition and even among Protestants. It was written and composed by Martin Luther himself. Inside the Church sits the tombs of Martin Luther and Philip Melanchthon, with the inscription, “A Mighty Fortress is our God”, written at the base of Luther’s tomb.
It was God’s sovereignty and power that kept him safe. Jeremy notes: “This reminds me that I need to keep my focus on the crucified Christ, as God is a stronghold and refuge for His people amid life’s trials. I can be still and know that our God is with me and the Church, and that He is our everlasting Fortress.” “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1).
James Nee Chee Woh shared that Martin Luther was one of the most influential figures in the history of Christianity in Germany. They travelled to many towns and in every town square, they saw the larger-than-life statue of Martin Luther, his left hand firmly holding the Bible to his heart, and his right hand firmly holding the 95 thesis that was nailed to the wooden door at the Castle Church. In his lifetime Martin Luther exemplified working hard for the Lord.
Luther wished that his country’s common people and nobles could learn to read the Bible in German, believe in Jesus Christ and be constantly reminded that no one can earn heaven by confession to a priest, doing penance or even by boundless good works.
When Dr Martin Luther said his last prayer at his death bed, as a testimony to all family, friends and Reformers gathered around him, his prayer was humble, yet victorious and full of praise. Luther prayed:
My Heavenly Father eternal merciful God, you have revealed Your beloved Son our Lord Jesus Christ, whom l have taught, whom l have confessed, whom l have loved and whom l praise as my Saviour and Redeemer. Whom the ungodly persecute, revile and blaspheme. Take my little soul to you.
Then he repeated three times:
Into your hands l commend my spirit, You have redeemed me, You are a faithful God, yes for God so loved the world.
James reflected on the Christian journey, and he observed that it can be full of trials and challenge, such as what Luther had gone through. But he must stay firm and trust in God, just as Luther did. Most of all, because Jesus Christ did not give-up dying for humanity on the cross. James understands that because Jesus loves him, he need not fear the future, for God is already there.
James also shared that on the third of October 2024, Dr Kim introduced one unusual activity called “Walk and Talk in The Garden”. They assembled in the garden and walked to a nearby forest. At the start of the trail, a historical marker stated that from 1935-1945 there was a munitions facility at this site where many Polish and Russian soldiers were forced to work since the beginning of the war, and the willingness of the locals to help them by giving them food was remembered. They risk being caught, to face criminal charges and even suffer severe penalty. This is an object lesson that we can risk giving ourselves to a stranger in need.
Then Dr. Kim told everyone to pair up by choosing a friend, but not a close friend. The purpose was to take turns to share your personal worries, dreams, joys, unhappiness, sadness, tears, etc. with your partners for ten minutes. He emphasized that all sharing must be kept confidential. By sharing with one another, all came to know their buddies a little bit more than a “Hi” and “Bye”. They can also pray more meaningfully for each other. This is a very meaningful and worthwhile activity that is a good way to encourage bonding among church members.
The Luther Study Tour is an almost annual event in the Lutheran Church now, if you will like to participate, look out for the publicity next time around.
LCS 路德学习之旅的反思
2024 年 9 月 23 日至 10 月 4 日
LCS 路德学习之旅再次举办,女皇镇信义会的 Jeremy Chua、义顺基督教会(信义会)的 James Nee Chee Woh 和信义会救主堂的 Steven Seow 向三位一体的上帝表达感谢、赞美、尊敬和荣耀,让他们有机会更多地了解信义宗教会的历史和根源,丰富了他们在耶稣基督里的信心旅程,并加强他们与信义宗教会大家庭的牧师和兄弟姐妹之间的团契。
来自信义会救主堂的 Steven Seow 分享说,此次考察让他了解到德国信义宗教会的不同习俗,并意识到世界上信义宗教会的多样性。他意识到世界各地的信义宗教会在文化习俗上的多元性,经过反思,他得出结论,所有信义宗教会应该在三件事上是共同的:对上帝的赞美和敬拜、牧师讲道的质素,以及对会众的牧养关怀。这些都是不可缺少的。
Jeremy Chua 回顾了他在 Mission One World (MEW) 的所见所闻,MEW 是我们在德国巴伐利亚州的 LCS 宣教伙伴。他对 Diakoneo 的工作印象深刻,该组织由 Wilhelm Lohe 牧师于 1854 年创立。从那时开始, Diakoneo 一直是一个重要的社会运动,他们不断的帮助社会中的弱势社群,为弱势群体、老年人和有特殊需要的人提供支持,同时也为本地和国际学生提供神学教育。
他体会到 Diakoneo 工作人员所展现的无条件的爱、关怀、尊重和耐心。正如约翰一书 4:16 所记载的“神爱我们的心,我们也知道也信。神就是爱。住在爱里面的,就是住在神里面,神也住在他里面。”
在同一天,他们参观了奥古斯塔纳神学院( Neuendettelsau ),这是一个体现“善良与黑暗”的地方。这里曾经是一座弹药厂,如今是一所神学院。教堂的内墙用松木覆盖,墙壁的一侧挂着一个金属的十字架,被称为“The Coventry Cross of Nails”,旁边还有一块牌子,上面写着“父,原谅”。
Jeremy注意到,这提醒我们二战的历史,随着破坏的重建、复兴与和解,“父,原谅”这句话意义深远,提醒我们应该常常彼此原谅。“要以恩慈相待,存怜悯的心,彼此饶恕,正如上帝在基督里饶恕了你们一样” (以弗所书 4:32)。
在威丁堡,我们回顾了马丁路德被逐出教会后留下的遗迹,当时他被宣布为异教徒和国家公敌。萨克森选侯智者腓特烈保护了他,并秘密将他藏在瓦特堡,他在那里待了 10 个月。在流亡期间,他将《新约》翻译成德语,以便当地人可以用自己的语言阅读。
“Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott” (“上帝是我们坚固城墙“)。
这是一首受到《诗篇》第 46 篇所启发的赞美诗。它是我们信义宗教会传统中最著名的赞美诗之一,甚至在其他基督教信徒中也是如此。它由马丁路德亲自创作。教堂内有马丁路德和菲利墨兰顿的墓碑,路德墓碑底部刻有铭文“上帝是我们坚固城墙”。
是上帝的主权和能力保佑了他。Jeremy说:“这提醒我,我需要把注意力集中在被钉在十字架上的基督身上,因为上帝是祂子民在人生考验中的堡垒和避难所。我可以保持平静,因我知道我们的上帝与我和教会同在,他是我们永恒的堡垒。” “上帝是我们的避难所,是我们的力量,是我们在患难中随时的帮助” (诗篇 46:1)。
James Nee Chee Woh 分享说,马丁路德是德国基督教历史上最具影响力的人物之一。他们走访了许多城镇,在每一个城镇广场,他们都看到马丁路德巨型的人像,他左手紧握圣经放在心旁,右手紧握钉在城堡教堂木门上的95条论纲。马丁路德一生是为主努力工作的典范。
James 反思了基督徒人生的旅程,他发现这段旅程充满了考验和挑战,就像路德所经历的那样。但他必须坚定不移,信靠上帝,就像路德一样。最重要的是,因为耶稣基督没有放弃为人类死在十字架上。James 明白,因为耶稣爱他,他不必害怕未来,因为上帝已经在那里了。
James 分享说,2024 年 10 月 3 日,金博士推出了一项名为“花园散步和交谈”的特别活动。他聚集一群人在花园里,步行到附近的森林。在小径的起点处,有一块历史标记表明,从 1935 年到 1945 年,这里曾有一个军火设施,自战争开始以来,许多波兰和俄罗斯士兵被迫在这里工作,当地人愿意通过给他们食物来帮助他们,这让人们铭记在心。因为他们这行动是冒着被抓、面临刑事指控,甚至遭受严厉惩罚的风险。这事有一个实在的教训,就是我们可以冒险将自己给予有需要的陌生人。