LCS – ONE IN PRAYER for our church – SEPTEMBER 2024

LCS – ONE IN PRAYER for our church

Items for SEPTEMBER 2024 – LCOR

For September 2024, let us all be one in prayer for the Lutheran Church of our Redeemer.

Please cover LCOR in the Prayers of the Church, as well as in your Prayer Meeting, small group meetings, family or personal prayer times.

Pastors have the option to cover the items in a single Sunday or over any number of Sundays for the month. Pastors should also feel free to contact each other for more details and clarifications regarding the items listed, so as to pray with better understanding.

Prayer pointers for LCOR

  1. For the staff of LCOR to serve with wisdom, love and joy.
  2. For the Council members to serve the Lord with wisdom.
  3. For the BB in Swiss Cottage School, that the boys will come to learn of God’s love and respond to it by believing.
  4. For our Child Care Center, that the Principal and teachers will be strengthened to serve the children. That the chapel time with the children will be blessed and that the children will learn of the Lord.
  5. For our ministry to the Christalite Home, that the residents will learn of the Lord and respond to Him in faith.
  6. For our care groups, that the members will grow in their faith, love for one another and reach out to their friends.
  7. For our children, youth and young adult classes, that they will grow in their knowledge of the Lord and have good friendship with one another.
  8. For the Tamil Service that the Lord will strengthen them and will help them to grow in numbers.
  9. For outreach work to nursing students, that we may build lasting friendships with them and bring them to know the Lord.
  10. For our combined mission team’s trip to Yunnan, that they might encourage the Christians in the area and help to further the kingdom of God.

1. 为救主堂的工作人员祈求他们能以智慧、爱心和喜乐来服侍。

2. 为理事会成员祈求他们能以智慧来服侍主。

3. 为Swiss Cottage中学的少年旅(BB)祈求,愿这些男孩能认识到神的爱,并以信心回应。

4 为我们的儿童托管中心祈求,愿校长和老师们有力量服侍孩子们。愿与孩子们的礼拜时间蒙受祝福,孩子们能认识主。

5. 为我们对基督徒之家(Christalite Home)的事工祈求,愿那里的居民能够认识主,并以信心回应祂。

6. 为我们的关怀小组祈求,愿成员在信仰上成长,彼此相爱,并向朋友们伸出援手。

7. 为我们的儿童、青少年和年轻人课程祈求,愿他们在主的知识上成长,并彼此建立良好的友谊。

8. 为泰米尔语崇拜祈求,愿主加力量给他们,并帮助他们在人数上增长。

9. 为我们对护理学生的外展工作祈求,愿我们能与他们建立持久的友谊,并带领他们认识主。

10. 为我们联合宣教队前往云南的行程祈求,愿他们能鼓励当地的基督徒,并帮助拓展神的国度。