关爱受造物 Creation Care

关爱受造物(Creation Care)

Sis. Ko Siew Wan

由新加坡信义会姐妹团契<在教会与社会中的女性>(WICAS)所举办的“关爱受造物”讲座活动于2024年4月13日假义順基督教会信义会举行,参加此活动人数约150人。活动中除了有诗歌颂赞、敬拜、祷告,还有关爱受造物(Creation Care)专题演讲及转废料成有用物品的手工工作坊。

Bishop Lu (Center), Preacher Allen Ng (Host church, Left) and the WICAS Committee

专题演讲是由《新加坡关爱受造物组织》(Creation Care SG)的教育总监Kezia(永恩小姐)以圣经作为基础讲述“关爱受造物”及身为基督徒应如何对此做出反应,把关怀受造物的原因和方式清楚阐明。

A group of people standing together

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From L-R Bishop Lu, Kezia Khoo (Speaker), Grace Lu (Advisor of WICAS), Lanny (Chair of WICAS)












3)通過绿色经济鼓励绿色融资和向低碳经济转型(基督徒Alex Teo 是Beneficial Returns投资管理公司经理,致力于支持拉丁美洲和东南亚减少贫困和保护自然环境的社会企业)。

4)強调鼓励本地生产农产品,目标是于2030年达到供应30%的食物营养需求(基督徒Brandon Yeo 致力于帮助他人种植自己的农产品并体验种植的乐趣)。


关爱受造物的一种表达是走向环保( go green),可由个人或家庭做起:如节省能源、减少使用塑料用品、重复使用物品、购买二手貨或多吃蔬菜和当地所种植农产品,务求达到“減用、再利用、回收”的目标。

A group of people sitting at a table playing a game

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A group of people standing around a table

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Recycling workshop – from thrash to treasure


基于圣经所给的啟示,关爱创造(Creation Care)关乎和上帝修复已经破裂的关系;凭着圣灵赋予我们的力量,作为上帝的手和脚,充当路标去关爱受造物,使上帝所创一切世界万物更接近祂完美的国度,这就是为什么我们说关爱创造,不单是只关爱受造物,也更能热爱我们伟大的造物主。

A group of women holding books

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Bought books on Creation Care by Speaker Kezia Khoo (2nd from left).



Sis. Ko Siew Wan

The ” Creation Care ” seminar organized by the Lutheran Sisters Fellowship of Singapore < Women in Church and Society > (WICAS) was held at Yishun Christian Church (Lutheran) on April 13, 2024. About 150 people participated in this event. In addition to hymns, worship, and prayers, the event also included a special lecture on Creation Care and a handicraft workshop on turning waste into useful items.

A group of people posing for a photo

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Bishop Lu (Center), Preacher Allen Ng (Host church, Left) and the WICAS Committee

The keynote speech was given by Kezia (Ms. Yongen), the Education Director of Creation Care SG. She used the Bible as a basis to talk about ” Care for Creation ” and how Christians should respond to this, and clearly explained the reasons and methods for caring for creation.

A group of people standing together

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From L-R Bishop Lu, Kezia Khoo (Speaker), Grace Lu (Advisor of WICAS), Lanny (Chair of WICAS)

The following is a summary of the content:

The world is facing urgent challenges such as climate crisis, loss of different species of biodiversity, deforestation and environmental pollution, which have aroused different concerns and views. Christianity has an all-encompassing and broader perspective, speaking to God’s own hope for creation in response to the environmental crisis.

Four themes are brought out through the biblical narrative: from creation to the fall, to redemption, and finally to the new creation or restoration; showing God’s purpose and concern for the world.

First, God created the universe and human beings perfectly. Human beings are given the mission of ruling the earth and everything He created. Does our rule reflect God’s justice and love? Or is it full of greed and selfishness? We must manage His world with God as the center.

On the second theme of the Fall: When humans chose to live their lives their own way, sin arose, resulting in eternal separation from God. Sin affects not only humans but also other creatures. For example, when humans mine metals to make cars, water sources are contaminated by toxic heavy metals; plastics thrown into the ocean affect not only humans themselves but also marine wildlife.

Regarding the third theme of redemption: Paul wrote in Romans that all creation groans and that humans, along with creation, eagerly await redemption. This redemption is achieved through the life, death and resurrection of Christ, who also taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves and how to live in the present and in the yet to come. Climate change is an issue that needs to be addressed and reversed because it directly affects farmers who rely on the land or natural resources for their livelihoods, as well as the elderly and the sick who suffer from compromised immune systems.

The fourth theme is about the new creation or restoration: the vision of a new and renewed ecology of creation when Christ comes to reign. “The wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the child will put his hand into the serpent’s den. ” With the picture of a restored Garden of Eden painted in Revelation 22, we might think that God has provided solutions for the state of the world today, so what is the point of the church caring about creation? The reality is that we will never find solutions to all problems: world hunger, child trafficking, climate crisis, etc., but we may at least serve as signposts pointing to God’s vision and redemptive work for the world He created and for all creation.

The Singapore Green Plan is a national movement to achieve near-zero emissions by 2050, with the goal of achieving this through five key priorities. Fortunately, our churches and Christians are taking these priorities as a basis to take practical actions to care for creation.

The five key points are:

  1. Create a natural city and focus on the restoration of nature (the Singapore Church planted 60 trees on its 60th anniversary, in response to Singapore’s plan to plant one million trees in ten years).
  2. Energy reset, using renewable energy ( Solar panels were installed at the Church of the Saviour in 2022 ).
  3. Encourage green financing and transition to a low-carbon economy through a green economy (Christian Alex Teo is the manager of Beneficial Returns Investment Management, which is dedicated to supporting social enterprises in Latin America and Southeast Asia that reduce poverty and protect the natural environment).
  4. Emphasize the encouragement of local production of agricultural products, with the goal of supplying 30% of food nutrition needs by 2030 (Christian Brandon Yeo is committed to helping others grow their own agricultural products and experience the joy of planting).
  5. Promote ” reduce, reuse, and recycle ” as a normal lifestyle (in the renovation project of the Eastern Presbyterian Church of Canada, old wood and church pews were transformed into furniture and desks) .

One way to show our love for creation is to go green , which can be done by individuals or families : saving energy, reducing the use of plastic products, reusing items, buying second-hand goods, or eating more vegetables and locally grown produce, in order to achieve the goal of ” reduce, reuse, recycle “.
A group of people sitting at a table playing a game

Description automatically generated A group of people standing around a table

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Recycling workshop – from thrash to treasure

Based on the revelation given by the Bible, creation care is about repairing the broken relationship with God. With the power given to us by the Holy Spirit, we serve as God’s hands and feet, acting as signposts to care for creation and bring all things created by God closer to His perfect kingdom. This is why we say that creation care is not only about caring for creation, but also about loving our great Creator more.

A group of women holding books

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Bought books on Creation Care by Speaker Kezia Khoo (2nd from left).