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关爱受造物 Creation Care

June 11, 2024 martinyee 0

关爱受造物(Creation Care) Sis. Ko Siew Wan 由新加坡信义会姐妹团契<在教会与社会中的女性>(WICAS)所举办的“关爱受造物”讲座活动于2024年4月13日假义順基督教会信义会举行,参加此活动人数约150人。活动中除了有诗歌颂赞、敬拜、祷告,还有关爱受造物(Creation Care)专题演讲及转废料成有用物品的手工工作坊。 Bishop Lu (Center), Preacher Allen Ng (Host church, Left) and the WICAS Committee 专题演讲是由《新加坡关爱受造物组织》(Creation Care SG)的教育总监Kezia(永恩小姐)以圣经作为基础讲述“关爱受造物”及身为基督徒应如何对此做出反应,把关怀受造物的原因和方式清楚阐明。 From L-R Bishop Lu, Kezia Khoo (Speaker), Grace Lu (Advisor of […]


Lutheranism 101: Worship

June 5, 2024 martinyee 0

Lutheranism 101: Worship “Many people today are seeking God, looking for a spiritual experience.  They jump from church to church, from religion to religion.  Some think they can find God by looking inside themselves through meditation.  Others find an […]