LCS – ONE IN PRAYER for our Churches – July 2024

LCS – ONE IN PRAYER for our Churches 

LCS – ONE IN PRAYER for our church

Items for JULY 2024 – BLC

For July 2024, let us all be one in prayer for Bedok Lutheran Church (BLC).

Please cover BLC in the Prayers of the Church, as well as in your Prayer Meeting, small group meetings, family or personal prayer times.

Pastors have the option to cover the items in a single Sunday or over any number of Sundays for the month. Pastors should also feel free to contact each other for more details and clarifications regarding the items listed, so as to pray with better understanding.

勿洛信义会中文部 Bedok Lutheran Church Chinese Section

1.⁠ ⁠为新一届中、英文部的执事会成员祷告,恳求主赐下治理教会的智慧和能力给执事们,与牧者同 心,一起完成天父对教会的托付。

Pray for the newly elected and installed English and Chinese council members, that God would give them wisdom and strength to manage and lead the church, through unity with the pastors, so that we may accomplish our roles as the Body of Christ.

2.⁠ ⁠为在筹备中的中秋节布道晚会祷告,愿主激励弟兄姐妹热烈的邀请未信主的家人参加,也求主使用这个聚会,让人能认识祂。

Pray for the preparation process and the execution of our Mid-Autumn festival program. That God would inspire everyone to participate, help, and also bring others to this program that they may hear the Gospel.

3.⁠ ⁠为中、英文部的执事和事工领袖们要计划教会明年的事工祷告,求天父赐下异象,显明祂对勿洛信义会的托付。

Pray for the leaders of both English and Chinese ministries who would begin to plan for next year, that God would give a clear vision, and show us his will for Bedok.


Bedok Lutheran Church English Section 勿洛信义会英文部

1. Pray that God will show us and move us, to love the community that we are in with concrete actions. Pray that more would volunteer with the food distribution efforts alongside willing hearts.

Pray that as we ponder on what it means to love and serve, we first come to encounter the love and service of our Heavenly Father, through Christ, by the Holy Spirit.

